Echo Vascular Technician


Echo Vascular Technician
Form Image Element

Instructions: This checklist is meant to serve as a general guideline for our client facilities as to the level of your skills within your nursing specialty. Please use the scale below to describe your experience/expertise in each area listed below. 
Proficiency : - 1 = Never Performed 2 = Limited Experience 3 = Comfortable Performing 4 = Proficient
Frequency : - 1 = Never 2 = Sometimes 3 = Often 4 = Always
Use of contrast agents
IV insertion
IV maintenance
Setup errors
Technical artifact
Other (list):
Color flow
Real time
Stress echo
Pediatric echocardiogram
Adult echocardiogram
Dobutamine stress echocardiogram
TEE (transesophageal esophography)
Other (list):
Vascular Procedures
Color flow
Real time
Flow studies
Strain gauge and Pneumoplethysmography
Arterial peripheral upper extremity
Arterial peripheral lower extremity
Arterial peripheral stress/ pressure testing
Carotid artery
Vertebral artery
Subclavian artery
Venous peripheral upper extremity
Venous peripheral lower extremity
Other (list):
Quality control of equipment
Recognition of malfunctions
Transducer selection
Image annotation
Patient variables
Criteria for diagnostic quality
Universal precautions
Disinfection and cleaning
Other (list):
Equipment (list):
Age Specific
Please indicate the frequence with which you provide care for each age group:
Infant (Birth to 1 year)
Toddler (1-3 years)
Pre-school (3-6 years)
School Age (6-12 years)
Adolescent (12-18 years)
Young Adult (18-30 years)
Mature Adult (30-60 years)
Elderly (>60 years)
Years Experience in Clinical Speciality :
Most recent facility worked at :