Medical Social Worker


Medical Social Worker
Form Image Element
Instructions: This checklist is meant to serve as a general guideline for our client facilities as to the level of your skills within your nursing specialty. Please use the scale below to describe your experience/expertise in each area listed below. 
Proficiency : -1 = Never Performed2 = Limited Experience3 = Comfortable Performing4 = Proficient
Frequency : -1 = Never2 = Sometimes3 = Often4 = Always
Human Development, Diversity and Behavior in the Environment
Assessment/Diagnosis/Treatment Planning Proficiency Frequency
Knowledge of effects of environment on client system behavior
Assess family/caregiver dynamics
Perform Cultural Assessment
Assess support structure
Determine Client's eligibility for services
Engage Client in intake process
Gather client's biopsychosocial history
Problem identification
Assess strengths/challenges
Perform Risk Assessment
Assess nature, severity and danger of client's crisis
Assess for suspected abuse and/or neglect
Assessment of mental and behavioral disorders
Assessment of addictive behaviors
Perform community needs assessment
Assist client with community resources
Match Intervention with client system needs
Clinical Interventions/Case Management
Therapeutic relationship Proficiency Frequency
Obtain/Verify informed consent for treatment
Engage client in treatment plan
Intervention process Proficiency Frequency
Develop treatment/service plan for client
Formulate measurable and realistic treatment
Ability to modify treatment plan
Assist client with grieving process
Provide conflict resolution
Patient Rights Advocate
Coordinate care with pharmaceutical prescriber and provider
Provide Case Management Services
Consultation and interdisciplinary collaboration Proficiency Frequency
Facilitate referral process as needed
Follow up on referrals
Participate in case conferences
Conduct court-ordered evaluations
Conduct custody evaluations
Professional Ethics/Values
Clinical components Proficiency Frequency
Identification and Resolution of Ethical Dilemmas
Documentation of Ethical Issues
Mandatory reporting requirements of Ethical Issues
Understand legal and ethical issues related to confidentiality
Protect and augment client self-determination
Ability to: Proficiency Frequency
Understand roles and responsibilities of other healthcare professionals and support staff
Function in supervisory capacity
Age Specific Proficiency Frequency
Please indicate the frequency with which you provide care for each age group:
Infant (Birth to 1 year)
Toddler (1-3 years)
Pre-school (3-6 years)
School Age (6-12 years)
Adolescent (12-18 years)
Young Adult (18-30 years)
Mature Adult (30-60 years)
Elderly (>60 years)
Years Experience in Clinical Specialty :
Most recent facility worked at: